How to Write a Good Piece of Music for Piano
Many people know how to read musical notation, less know how to write music and very few know exactly how exactly to get inspired and compose original, nice music.
Sit down at the piano. You wont get anywhere at all by sitting with a blank page in front of you.
Play around with chords or melodies, if you heard a piece or progression of chords that you liked play them by ear on the piano (or for those who cannot do that, look them up in a book or on the net).
Fiddle around until inspiration strikes (If at first you don’t succeed try, try again. Or if you don’t think that that will work, redefine success!)
Play around with your idea until it totally forms.
Write it down. This may be harder than you think, don’t rush.
Revise it like you would if you were writing an article.
Publish it or whatever you want to do with it.
Use pencil when first writing it
Play your piece for many people before you write it down. Don't distress if you cant come up with anything at first.
Things You'll Need
A very good imagination
A piano
Blank sheet music
A sharpened pencil