How to Play Piano in Less Than One Hour
If you're looking for a way to quickly play the piano, you're going to love this. Most of you already know that the quickest way to play the piano is by learning chords.
Learn the chords. There are triads, seventh chords, diminished chords and thousands more.
Remember that there are closed position chords and the open position chord. With this chord you will be able to create your own music in less than an hour!
Become a piano player immediately, and enjoy playing your favorite songs. Start out with open position chords, you'll immediately sound like a professional!
Try the seventh chord because it's a modern sounding chord:
All this means is that the seventh note of the scale is used, along with regular triad notes to give it a more contemporary sound.
Jazz musicians use it all the time.
It covers more than 2 octaves of the keyboard, giving you a very nice "open" sound. If you love contemporary stylings, you'll be playing them in no time with it.
Last but not least, you use both hands right away to create with! In fact, the chord is so wide open that you can literally create music without moving your hands around at all.
While you might be able to easily and quickly play a song, you are not learning about piano techniques, scales, or chord study. You will not be a real pianist, but you will enjoy playing songs and having fun.
Any method that does not have your hands moving around, is not teaching how to play piano. The beauty of playing this instrument, is how nimble your fingers become, by learning scales, and moving your hands up and out, fast and quickly.
Remember, that anything worth learning, takes time. If you wish to really become a pianist, play the classics, enjoy performing and understanding music and how chords are created, it is suggested you take piano lessons, and learn by a master teacher.